History Of Inner Wheel Club Of Bombay

Ms. Purviz Banaji came back from her trip abroad in 1962, with the information that a group of Rotaryanns under the name of Inner Wheel Club were doing commendable service in the U.K.

Thus on 1st July 1963, Inner Wheel Club of Bombay was formed in R.I. Dist. 315. The founder President was Soona Balsara. The Charter was presented on April 13, 1964 by Mrs. Reynolds, wife of the Dy. British High Commissioner. The function was held at the Taj Mahal Hotel with the Rotary Club of Bombay.

The first big continuing project was the adopting of Sutharpakhadi village at Sahar. A municipal school was set up for the hutment dwellers in the Telegu medium. A medical clinic, sewing class for women, a Balwadi, adult education and a play centre for teenagers were set up.

In the late seventies and early eighties, the focus shifted to Blood Donation drives, Medical Camps, hosting of Rotary Exchange students as well as helping in the activities of Rotary Club of Bombay.

In 1966, five new IW Clubs were added to RI District 315. The IWC of Bombay took up the work of forming an IW District and a resolution was passed at its regular meeting. The IW District was formed in 1967 and our member Purviz Banaji was the founder District Chairman of this IW District 315. Three year later the IW District was divided along with RI District. Our member Silla Ardeshir became the founder District Chairman of IW Dist. 314.

In 1968, the National Council of Inner Wheel Clubs in India and Ceylon was formed with Purviz Banaji as the First National Council member from our District. It was the IW Club of Bombay that framed the rules for the National Council, which Mrs. Weightman and Mrs. Dorothy Hitching, the Presidents of the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland greatly appreciated and which were ratified by the IIW Board.

Purviz Banaji with a fellow member
Seen in the picture are Late Shirin Petigara, Kanta Anand, Anita Parikh, Raksha Mehta, Banoo Cama
DC Silla Ardeshir - 1970-71
Passing on the baton to DC Raksha Mehta 1971-72
Silla Ardeshir conducting a seminar

IW movement grew rapidly, and so the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India and Sri Lanka was formed. Once again our member Raksha Mehta was elected as the Founder Association President. Under her leadership, Dist. 314 hosted the first Association Conference in Bombay on January, 5 and 6, 1977. Our members, Silla Ardeshir was the Chairman of the constitution and credentials committee and Banoo Cama was the Jt. Conference Secretary for this conference.

Inner Wheel Club of Bombay Charity Trust was formed in 1975-76 and has the distinction of being the first Trust of clubs in the IW movement.

In 1978-79, our club members arranged and hosted the first seminar for Past and Present District Chairmen of the Association. It was found to be a very useful training ground and this has become an annual event since then – in the form of holding an Institute for Incoming District Chairmen.

The Grand Old Lady - Meher Framjee
The Old Guard - Late Shirin Petigara, Silla Ardeshir and Banoo Cama

Our Club’s Golden History

  • First Club to be set up in Maharashtra
  • First District Chairman, Purviz Banaji (District 315)
  • First District Chairman, Silla Ardeshir (District 314)
  • First Association President, Raksha Mehta
  • First CCC Chairman of the Association Triennial Conference, Silla Ardeshir
  • First Inner Wheel member in India to be felicitated with Margaratte Golding Award, Raksha Mehta
  • First Club in India that has given 11 Chairmen to the District
  • First Club in District 314 to start with a micro finance scheme
  • First Trust of IW clubs in India – Inner Wheel Club of Bombay Charity Trust

Some Interesting Projects in our History:

a) Under the leadership of Purviz Banaji, the District adopted an eight-month old baby of leper parents and looked after her till she was an adult. Every member donated Re.1 annually towards “Save Baby Ratan” project.

b) Used stamps were collected and money was raised for “Save the Children’s Fund” which has its headquarters in London.

c) Keeping Fellowship and Friendship, one of the objectivess of Inner Wheel, we hosted an Inter Club Social annually which today has taken the shape of Zonal Fellowships. We had also organized an Inter District Exchange of children of IW members.

d) Links between IW Club of Bombay within the District, Association and IIW have always been cordial.

e) Our club is justifiably proud of its ‘Old Guard’ who still take active interest in its activities and continue to inspire us. Till date our club has produced eight District Chairmen, with one in the making.

f) Meher Framjee, founder Chairman of Dist. 310, served two terms as International Inner Wheel Representative. She later transferred to our club.

Forthcoming Events

  • Mon 1st July 2024
    Installation of President elect Mita Roy and Mira Mehta awards function
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